Sunday, December 31, 2017

When the elephant in the room is ignored

In 2001 on September 11 I sat in the student lounge at Campbell Divinity School. This is where I learned that America was under attacked. As chapel began my friend, and Admission Director at that time, said, "America is under attacked." She reported what we knew at the time and led us in a time of prayer. Then the service proceeded as plan. This struck me as completely wrong and I left to talk with one of the Office administrators. I needed to process what was going on but the someone didn't think, for whatever reason, chapel would be the time for that. In my opinion, they avoided the elephant in the room. That elephant was fear.

Fast forward to May 2017, when I learn a co-worker, who had been fired, was arrested by the Feds for having Child Pornography in his possession. My knowledge of this did not come from the upper management but from a co-worker who was present when the Feds came to our work. There was mostly silence, except among those of us who knew.

On this last night of 2017 I have decided that silence cannot have a place in my life or this world any more. We have to create space for people to talk about what troubles them, upsets them, angers them and causes them to fear and distress.

I still struggle, to figure out how I still love my former co-worker, someone I considered a friend, could feed his addiction that has endangered thousands of minor children. As a survivor of sexual abuse, assault, sexual harassment and rape I will not be silent anymore.

To many of us have seen the evils of this world. Evil that is spoken of in the Bible. If my voice makes you uncomfortable, then GOOD. Just because you want to ignore the elephant in the room I will no longer do that. I will join the #MeToo movement and I will continue to demand that all elected officials, including our President, be removed for engaging in behavior that victimizes children and adults.

#MeToo #SilenceisnotSpiritual

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