WARNING! While this video may not have offensive language some may find the topic uncomfortable and the reporters position on the topic nauseating. If you feel you may throw up and/or want to throw something at your computer screen, I completely understand and empathize.
So why do I share this video clip with you when I completely disagree with this man? Most of you know I am a blogger for The Exodus Road that supports efforts to rescue victims of human trafficking in SE Asia. I want to take this opportunity to use my voice to highlight the atrocity of human trafficking in the US. But some may ask, what does Prostitution and human trafficking have to do with each other? Well, a lot. Some statistics for you:
Child/Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. Child/ human trafficking is the world’s second largest criminal enterprise, after drugs. U.S. State Department
The global market of child trafficking at over $12 billion a year with over 1.2 million child victims. UNICEF
As many as 2.8 million children run away each year in the US. Within 48 hours of hitting the streets, one-third of these children are lured or recruited into the underground world of prostitution and pornography. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The average age of entry for children victimized by the sex trade industry is 12 years. U.S. Department of Justice
Approximately 80% of human trafficking victims are women and girls and up to 50% are minors. U.S. State Department
The average number of victims for non-incestuous pedophiles who molest girls is 20, for pedophiles who prefer boys 100! The Association For the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)
300,000 children in the U.S. are at risk every year for commercial sexual exploitation. U.S. Department of Justice
600,000 – 800,000 people are bought and sold across international borders each year; 50% are children, most are female. The majority of these victims are forced into the commercial sex trade. U.S. Department of State, 2004, Trafficking in Persons Report, Washington, D.C.
An estimated 14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States each year. The number of U.S. citizens trafficked within the country is even higher, with an estimated 200,000 American children at risk for trafficking into the sex industry. U.S. Department of Justice Report to Congress from Attorney General John Ashcroft on U.S. Government Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons
An average serial child molester may have as many as 400 victims in his lifetime. Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Study
Child pornography is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States right now. Nationally, there has been a 2500% increase in arrests in 10 years. FBI
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which helps to identify and locate children in pornography photos and videos, says it’s staff reviewed more than 10.5 million images in 2009 alone.
Reports of exploited children grow every year, in 2009, the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children received more than 120,000 reports on its cyber tip line. In 2010, the number grew to over 160,000 with the vast majority being from child pornography.
If prostitution is legalized in this country we will only fuel and empower the pimps/traffickers and give a free license to every John in this country to exploit our children and women. The idea that prostitution is a matter between consenting adults is very ignorant of the culture we live in. Slavery is a greater problem today then it was in the days when the US was being settled and developed. To know more on how you can help fight human trafficking click on any of the following links below.
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