Last week The Exodus Road launched a program that they think will effectively answer the question of how you can personally fuel and empower literal rescue. Essentially, they’re inviting us onto a real-life investigative team.
From their experience, it takes about $35 for a night for one of our investigators to engage in local surveillance. Since we already have teams on the ground and since most of our teams are volunteers, we are able to fund investigations with a fairly lean financial model. If you’d like to join a team, you will be “hiring” one of our investigators to go literally look for children and victims on your behalf in some of the darkest corners of the globe. Investigators will then take that intel to local police partners and will develop cases and raids from that initial intelligence.
The search fuels the rescue. And by investing in our teams, you would be putting boots on the ground, sending eyes to look for the enslaved.
Currently, we have four designated teams that we’d like to empower. Each team has a code name (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta) and a brief description of their area of focus. You can find the team names and descriptions here. When you choose a team to sponsor for $35/monthly, you’ll have access to their field intelligence (though, as always, for safety, some details may be changed). You’ll get live updates as to the ways your team, specifically, is engaging in investigations, raids, and rescue. We’ll be sending you newsletters, incentives and even ways for you to connect and support your field team on a more personal level.
It’s the closest thing to the front lines we can get you. And it’s the most direct way we can find to give everyone the opportunity to fight for rescue.
Interested in Joining the Rescue Movement?
Stop by our new Search and Rescue Program landing page. You might want to check out our Search and Rescue FAQ page, as well. Read over the teams available for sponsorship and see which connects most to you. Follow the links to adopt your team, and we’ll be mailing you a welcome packet with information about your investigators and several small thank you items from our home office here in Colorado.
And then moving forward, every time you see a rescue shared or an update given from the field connected with your team name, you’ll know that you were a valuable part of that success.
We had a field investigator say to us the other day,
“Tell me how many kids you want to rescue, and if I have the resources, I think our team could make that happen.” – Exodus Road Coalition Partner
And this statement from a team that has rescued 150 victims of sex slavery in the last month alone because of their commitment to justice and the funding we were able to provide them. (This is our Bravo Team, actually.)
If you’ve been asking the question, “What Can I Do?” Perhaps this could be your answer. Check out the Search and Rescue program, please tell your friends, and consider joining the (literal) rescue movement.
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