Monday, December 2, 2013

Here I am, Lord!

Yesterday, December 1 was the first day of Advent but it was also a day of reminiscing for me. I an my parents attended Heritage Baptist Church, of Wake Forest, NC for Sunday morning worship. This is our home church and where I was ordained in May of 2011. It was good to be home and my parents and I were glad to have been in attendance where we decorated the Christmas tree with chrismons. After I arrived back to my home in Roanoke, VA I and a couple of my youth attended the ordination of Cathy Harris to the Gospel Ministry at my church, Rosalind Hills Baptist Church, in Roanoke. At the beginning of my Sunday I physically revisited the place of my ordination and at the end of my Sunday I revisited my ordination spiritually. To say it was an amazing day would be an understatement. I do not have the words to describe except to say I was truly fed by the Holy Spirit through the two service. I want to take this time to thank some people for making yesterday a day that I will not forget, for many reasons:

The Reverend Cathy Harris: thank you for being obedient to call of God on your life. Because of your obedience I was called back to 1998 when God first told me that I would follow the path of ordination. You reminded me of my commitment to God and those I serve and why I gladly sacrifice much for the sake of the gospel. God bless you. I am so blessed to know you and have you in my life.

Rosalind Hills Baptist Church: Thank you for being a church that recognizes and affirms the gifts of those who are called regardless of gender. Last night (December 1) I never felt more at home since joining in October of 2012, as I did last night. I am thankful that I yielded to the Holy Spirit and joined the church. You are my Bethel in this season of my life.

The Reverend Nelson Harris: Thank you for being a man of God who is obedient to the Lord's command and supporting your wife in ministry and recognizing her gifts for ministry. Your presence reminded me of those men in my life who have affirmed and encouraged me in ministry: my father; Randell Henderson, my pastors through the years; Rev. Jack Coffey, Rev. Ken Altom, and the Rev. Jimmy Allen. The cause for women in ministry is only helped by the men of God who will stand with them. Thank you.

The Ordination Council: Thank you for taking time out of your life to sit down and hear Cathy's testimony and her call to ministry. Thank you for recognizing what she has felt and approving her for ordination. Your commitment to Rosalind Hills and Cathy reminded me of my ordination council and how they listened to my story and makes me grateful that they saw the call God had placed on my life and approved me for ordination. You truly exemplify how the Body of Christ is designed to work.

It is always good for us to look back at those times in our life that have had a significant impact on us and our walk with the Lord. Yesterday allowed me to do that, to revisit that initial call in 1998 and May 15, 2011 when I was ordained to the Gospel Ministry and what I said to God.

Once again I say to God's call, Here I am, Lord!

God bless you all this Advent Season!

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