Friday, April 17, 2020

Over Eaters Anonymous

Hi, I’m Adele and an overeater
Hi Adele.
Confession is hard
But I am an overeater
We follow the 12 steps
I’m a minister too
It never dawned on me to go to God
This social isolation makes me binge eat.
I hate being alone
I have a sponsor, she helps a lot.
The group is great too, we have a lot in common
I am an overeater and obese
But with the isolation walking is my freedom.
With God as my parent I will overcome.
We will overcome

By Adele Henderson


Alone together, an oxymoron if I ever heard one.
Alone is alone.
Together is together.
Being with other people.
Introvert,  that is me, I like alone time.
Except when it's forced upon me.
It’s been a week since I have seen my mom,
Seen dad 2x but briefly.
Alone is alone
Together is together,
And I am all alone.

By Adele Henderson 