Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Discovered Gem

Moving is a chore, a burdensome chore but you can find little gems you have collected along they way as you clean out and pack up. I want share with you a gem I found. I left two bibles unpacked to bring to my work to use while several other bibles and books are packed up till I move November 1. In college I learned a new song at a United Methodist retreat. I must have really liked it because I wrote the words to it in a bible. The words are below along with a YouTube video of a young lady singing the song. I hope this little gem I found blesses you this day.

Bread for the Journey

Give us bread for the journey, give us bread.
Give us bread for the journey, give us bread.
When our legs are getting heavy,
and we're hanging down our heads.
give us bread for the journey, give us bread.

Guide our way as we travel, guide our way.
Guide our way as we travel, guide our way.
There's so many roads before us,
where to go is hard to say,
guide out way as we travel, guide our way.

Make us one with each other, make us one.
Make us one with each other, make us one.
All the walls we built around us,
may we learn to tear them down,
make us one with each other, make us one.

Lead us home to the garden, lead us home.
Lead us home to the garden, lead us home.
Where we'll live with all creation,
find our place and never roam,
lead us home to the garden, lead us home.

Give us bread for the journey, give us bread.
Give us bread for the journey, give us bread.
When our legs are getting heavy,
and we're hanging down our heads,
give us bread for the journey, give us bread.


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