Thursday, August 9, 2012

This is not my home! Or is it?

This post goes out to everyone who is struggling with life right now. Those who have known hurt at the hands of others, those who are watching a loved one slowly leave this world for the heavenly one, for those who wish they could just escape reality and those who are trying to make this world a better place for all.

Growing up in the church I often heard the phrase that this world is not our home, that our home is with God and one day we would join God and Jesus when we leave this earth. While I do believe this my work @ HopeTree Family Services along with a new song has made me look at my life here on earth a little differently.

A new video debuted last night during a re-run of "So You Think You Can Dance." The song is "Home" and it is sung by the latest winner of American Idol. Take a moment to watch the video before you finish reading this post.

"Just know you're not alone cause I'm gonna make this place your home"

While this earth is not our final home it is our home right now. Some people live in the home they have chosen, others live in a home of not their choosing but none the less, it is their home. When I watched the video last night I took comfort in the words above. It reminded me that I am not alone and that God is with me.

Wherever you are, whatever situation you find yourself in, you are NOT alone, God is with you and he will make this place your home until that day when you see him face to face in your final home.

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