Thursday, December 12, 2013

The BIG Love of God

In two days we will all remember the 20 young lives lost at Sandy Hook. The most important thing we can remember as we honor the lives lost is that evil did not win. We remember this by waiting in anticipation of the Christ child.

God chose a very interesting and maybe strange way to show us the love of our creator. God chose to come down to earth as a human. God came in the form of a little baby that Mary and Joseph named Jesus. Other names that are given to Jesus are Prince of Peace, Lord of Creation, Emmanuel.

Emmanuel is my favorite name for Jesus, it means "God with us". Though only a small baby God is with us in all circumstances, even in difficult times like the shooting at Sandy Hook last year. Before Jesus was born God could see the evil in the world but through her love for us God already had a plan to overcome the evil of this world. It would be accomplished through the birth of a baby. A baby that would grow into adulthood then willingly laid down his life for us.

While evil things still happen, evil has not won, for God has overcome and brought peace to us.

John 16:33, NIV
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."

May the peace of God be with you this Christmas season and in the New Year.

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